Pray for Central Asia

In the modern day and age you would expect there to be a Bible in every language and a church among every people group. But sadly, that’s not reality here in Central Asia.

Countless people groups are still waiting for a Bible in their language. Most have never had a Christian friend. And almost all are still waiting to hear the Good News in a way they can understand – for the very first time.

Pray with us that more Central Asians would hear the Good News and become Jesus followers.

How to Get Involved:

Jesus said the harvest was ready but the workers were few. As he told us to, we’re praying that He’d call many more workers into the harvest field of Central Asia. Here a few simple ways you can be a part of mobilizing people to action:

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Start a Prayer Group

Host friends and family at your house or meet together at church. Form a network of prayer groups by encouraging other friends to start their own.

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Spread the Word

Tell other what God is doing in Central Asia. Be an advocate. Champion others to get involved! Share about the need and the people and encourage friends and churches to get involved!

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Join the Team

Come and visit. Bring a team. Or consider joining as a long term worker in this part of the mission field. Very few YWAMers or other orgs work in this region. You can help change this.